Le mythe allemand - The German myth

Dans toutes les familles qui ont des doutes quant à leurs origines s'élaborent des théories, souvent fantaisistes, à propos de leurs ancêtres. La famille Plauché d'Amérique n'échappe pas à cette règle. Malgré la certitude d'une origine française, longtemps a couru l'idée qu'il serait impossible de la rétablir. Le témoignage suivant l'illustre bien: In all families that have doubts about their origins, there are theories, often ungrounded, about their ancestors. The American Plauché family is no exception. Despite the certainty of a French origin, it was assumed for a long time that it would be impossible to establish it. The following testimony is a good example:
By the way, if you have any idea of looking up the family in France, I fear it will be in vain. According to information received from the French Consul in New Orleans, the civil authorities of the Department de Var and the Bishop of Frejus, there are no ancient records in La Seyne or in Toulon, and there are no living Plauches there!
[Letter from Msgr. Charles J. Plauché, Chancellor of the Archdiocese of New Orleans to Mr. Wade Plauché of Lake Charles, on July 9, 1956.]
Il n'est donc pas étonnant que certains aient échafaudé des théories pour compenser l'absence de lien objectif. Diverses branches de la famille ont donc colporté l'idée que le nom Plauché avait en fait une origine allemande! L'évidence historique nous montre aujourd'hui que cette origine supposée est parfaitement fausse. Néanmoins, des historiens amateurs (dans mon genre...) n'avaient pas hésité à la mettre par écrit. Le texte suivant en est l'illustration: It is therefore not surprising that some have elaborated theories meant to compensate for the absence of objective links. Several branches of the family have thus passed on the idea that the Plauché name had a German origin! Historical evidence tells us today that this supposed origin is absolutely false. Nevertheless, amateur historians (not unlike me...) did not hesitate to put it in writing. The following quote is an illustration:
The Plauché family of patrician origin has been one that has carried on the name with credit since coming to America. It is a tree with many branches, stemming to France, England, Germany, and many other parts of the globe. [...] The notes which have been furnished me by a prominent member of the family are as follows. [...] This location in Germany of the town or village of Plochingen is between the Rhine and the Black Forest, beyond the Vosge Mts. (see map, same book and literary page.). Facts listed in Hof Kalendar Gotha 1907: resident in Prussia is a family of Plau, Graffin (Count and Countess).
[Old Louisiana plantation homes and family trees, by Herman de Bachellé Seebold, M.D., Volume II, Published privately, copyright 1941, HBS, Printed: Pelican Press, Inc., N.O., Chapter XIII, The Plauché Family]
Tout ce qui précède n'est que pure spéculation faite à partir de la première syllabe du nom (Plau- ou Plo-) et n'a AUCUNE valeur historique. All this is pure speculation stemming from the first syllable of the Plauché name (Plau- or Plo-) and has NO historical value whatsoever.

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